
Global News

Added on: 08/20/2018
Anas Qartoumeh says he wants Canada to keep fighting for human rights abroad. The Grand Marshal of the 2018 Kelowna Pride March is proud to lead the parade,…

Global News

Added on: 08/20/2018
A local club operating on Jalan Sultan Ismail for about 30 years has finally been raided earlier this morning (August 18). It is believed that the club…

Global News

Added on: 08/19/2018
A group of girls sit cross-legged in front of a wall-to-ceiling mirror concentrating intensely as they apply make-up. They talk quietly, exchanging tips on which brush to…

Global News

Added on: 08/16/2018
Austria has rejected the asylum application of an Afghan claiming to be gay because he did not ‘act’ or ‘dress’ like a homosexual, according to a media report. An official in…

World Voices

Added on: 08/02/2018
Robert Blackmon
Alturi Project Director
‘Evening Shadows’ is currently on the international festival circuit including a recent screening at Outfest in Los Angeles. In addition to a glowing audience reception, Sridhar took the…

Global News

Added on: 07/09/2018
A five-judge constitution bench of the Supreme Court will on Tuesday hear petitions for scrapping Section 377 of the penal code, a 149-year-old archaic law which criminalizes…

Global News

Added on: 07/09/2018
I will openly admit that I have been gay since 2008 when I came out right in front of a crowd of people. Thus, when I was…

Global News

Added on: 07/08/2018
When the news broke last week that a 41-year-old man from Kelantan had married an 11-year-old girl, alarm bells went off in Malaysia’s newly elected government as…

Global News

Added on: 07/07/2018
Days ahead of the crucial hearing on a clutch of petitions challenging the validity of section 377 of the IPC that criminalises consensual gay sex, the Chief…

Global News

Added on: 07/07/2018
A video of a heated altercation between three men in drag and police officers in the city of Suzhou has started tens of thousands of people talking…

Alturi Partner

Added on: 02/01/2018
Thai Transgender Alliance (Thai TGA) is a dynamic national collaboration with big accomplishments in 2015 and bigger goals for 2016. In the past year they have published…

Alturi Partner

Added on: 02/01/2018
The vision of the founding fathers of the Republic of Indonesia has always been a pluralist, multi-cultural society where even sexual minorities should have their rightful place….

Alturi Partner

Added on: 01/31/2018
Securing the most basic freedoms for people worldwide requires front-line organizations challenging abuse wherever it occurs. The Fund for Global Human Rights finds the best human rights…

Alturi Partner

Added on: 01/31/2018
Today’s global refugee crisis is one of the most pressing issues of our time. Millions fleeing persecution or armed conflict are seeking safety in refugee facilities as…

Alturi Partner

Added on: 01/31/2018
AJWS is the fourth largest U.S.-based funder of global LGBTI rights worldwide. Since 2005, AJWS has invested nearly $9.5 million in global LGBTI rights. In 2013 alone,…

Alturi Partner

Added on: 01/31/2018
The Astraea Lesbian Foundation For Justice is a multi-gendered, multi-racial, multi-identity organization that prioritizes and supports the leadership of women, transgender people, youth, and people of color….

Alturi Partner

Added on: 01/31/2018
The Human Rights Watch lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights program has fought for over a decade to end human rights violations based on sexual orientation…

Alturi Partner

Added on: 01/31/2018
LGBT rights are human rights, period. Human Rights First works to ensure that these rights are incorporated into the United States’ foreign policy agenda and advanced on…

Alturi Partner

Added on: 01/31/2018
Advocates for Youth works across the U.S. and developing world to advance youth sexual health and rights to further a vision of a society in which all…

Alturi Partner

Added on: 01/20/2018
With more than 7 million supporters, activists and volunteers in more than 150 countries, and complete independence from government, corporate or ideological interests, we work to protect…

World Voices

Added on: 01/19/2018
Alturi Contributor
“We study Islam, and pray together, and share our lives,” Shinta says. “We do not choose to be transgender people, this is given by God.” The Yogyakarta…

World Voices

Added on: 03/14/2017
Robert Blackmon
Alturi Project Director
Joseph Aoun manages Helem’s newly reopened community center – one of the few safe spaces for LGBTIQ residents of Beirut. He came to the organization seven months…

World Voices

Added on: 03/14/2017
Robert Blackmon
Alturi Project Director
Instead of accepting that this isolation and sadness are part of many queer persons’ lives, Eric chose to take action by helping found Hanoi Queer. “When I…

World Voices

Added on: 01/13/2017
Robert Blackmon
Alturi Project Director
Alturi: How did the idea for “All About Sec 377” come about? How has it evolved over time? Gypsy: I have a small and relatively new production…