
Global News

Added on: 02/17/2019
Indonesia’s Information and Communications Ministry, also known as Kominfo, has demanded that the popular social network Instagram remove gay-friendly cartoons published by a user known only as…

Global News

Added on: 02/17/2019
“We want to give a voice to those, who are not heard, whose voice has been taken,” Ali Feruz says. “Because the story of every human is…

Global News

Added on: 02/16/2019
Gemma Hickey entered Japan this week with something no Japanese national can obtain a gender-neutral passport in which the gender category shows neither female nor male, but…

Global News

Added on: 02/15/2019
Chizuka Oe and Yoko Ogawa have been together for 25 years, but when they submitted their marriage registration at a Tokyo town hall, they knew it would…

Global News

Added on: 02/14/2019
Japan opened its first LGBTI safe house in Tokyo this week. Nijiiro House supports LGBTI people who have fallen into homelessness due to their sexuality or gender…

Global News

Added on: 02/14/2019
If 2017 saw the rise of marriage equality in Taiwan, then the backlash in 2018 suggests many observers held an overly optimistic view on just how much…

Global News

Added on: 02/14/2019
Israeli politician Shlomo Karhi has been condemned for saying Pride parades “legitimise something that is contrary to the natural family unit.” Karhi, who will be a candidate…

Global News

Added on: 02/13/2019
Rico has lived with HIV for almost a decade, confiding in only a small number of people in socially conservative Singapore, fearful of the reaction. Last month,…

Global News

Added on: 02/13/2019
Following India’s September move to scrap a colonial-era ban on gay sex, more and more corporations are opening their doors to LGBT+ people and ushering in policies…

Global News

Added on: 02/12/2019
Nritya Forum for Performing Arts came alive on Sunday with the performance of members and allies of the LGBTQ plus communites at Queer Carnival. Organised by the…

Global News

Added on: 02/12/2019
Stressing that being religious and queer does not have to be mutually exclusive, Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay and Transgender (LGBT) activists said that homosexuality was more of a lifestyle…

Global News

Added on: 02/12/2019
Transgender commentator Tanio Toshimi debuted on News Zero around the time that Diet member Sugita Mio made headlines for describing the LGBT community as childless and “unproductive.” While LGBT…

Global News

Added on: 02/11/2019
Harassment of members of the LGBTQ community increased dramatically in 2018, with a 54% increase in reported incidents of homophobia, the Nir Katz Center revealed on Sunday…

Global News

Added on: 02/10/2019
Angkrong, a village in Prey Veng Province in Cambodia’s southeast corner, has been home to five couples over the age of 40, two young couples who recently…

Global News

Added on: 02/10/2019
Luke Cassady-Dorion believed marriage was for “boring” straight people until he met the man he wanted to spend the rest of his life with – Tae. But…

Global News

Added on: 02/09/2019
Singapore is facing two lawsuits asking the courts to overturn the nation’s colonial-era anti-homosexuality law, Section 377A. Both constitutional challenges were filed after the Indian Supreme Court in…

Global News

Added on: 02/08/2019
No longer shamed as criminals, millions of LGBT+ people in India will be less at risk from HIV/AIDS following the legalisation of gay sex, the head of…

Global News

Added on: 02/07/2019
For Vinodh Philip, there couldn’t be a better tribute than his wedding reception to the city that embraced him and saw him through his toughest turmoil. Nearly…

Global News

Added on: 02/06/2019
When news broke in December that Singapore’s High Court had allowed a gay couple to adopt their son conceived through a surrogate in the United States, it…

Global News

Added on: 02/06/2019
Bebo Kinnar, a transgender from Jamshedpur, grew up as a subject of ridicule and discrimination. But today, her initiative – Dava Daan Jeevan Daan – started in…

Global News

Added on: 02/04/2019
The recent online vitriol some Singaporeans have spewed on a man from a local junior college who was seen on an Instagram post kissing his male partner…

Global News

Added on: 02/04/2019
The commercial capital of the country celebrated its first Pride Parade after the Supreme Court decriminalised homosexuality in September last year on Saturday. Hundreds of people were…

Global News

Added on: 02/04/2019
Chizuka Oe and Yoko Ogawa have lived together in a relationship of mutual trust for almost 25 years since they fell in love after their first encounter…

Global News

Added on: 02/03/2019
Three transgender people who identify as male lost their legal bid on Friday to be recognised as such on their Hong Kong identity cards, in a setback…

Global News

Added on: 02/03/2019
When Newsweek publicly announced that I was one of the 15 members of the “Creative Class of 2019,” I seriously had to pinch myself. I was discussing video streaming…

Global News

Added on: 02/03/2019
In commemoration of 2019 marking 50 years since the Stonewall Riots took place, the editors over at Gay Star News are inviting 50 international guest writers to…

Global News

Added on: 02/02/2019
A Bollywood movie about a family accepting their daughter is a lesbian was hailed on Friday (Feb 1) for pushing the boundaries of cinema in socially conservative…

Global News

Added on: 02/02/2019
The passing of a bill on sexual violence, which has been deliberated on by the House of Representatives since 2016, is at risk of being delayed again,…

Global News

Added on: 01/31/2019
A mayor in Indonesia has ordered the arrest of LGBT+ people so religious authorities can conduct exorcisms on them. Mayor of Padang Mahyeldi Ansharullah has used the…

Global News

Added on: 01/31/2019
In a first for Japan, the city of Chiba held a ceremony Tuesday to issue certificates recognizing both the partnerships of sexual minority and common-law couples. “I…