Alturi Blog

Added on: 10/13/2024
Alturi Contributor
Many states in the USA have laws that prevent individuals deemed “mentally incompetent” and other disabled citizens from voting. However, the criteria for determining someone to be…
Added on: 09/30/2024
Alturi Project Strategist
The LGBTQ+ community, like many marginalized groups, often grapples with more loneliness and less joy due to discrimination and adversity. However, actively participating in civic duties like…
Added on: 08/09/2024
Vashti Surujdeen
Alturi Contributor
The LGBTIQ+ community is extremely well-known as a close-knitted group for all individuals that identify as anywhere in the queer spectrum of sexuality and or gender. Indeed,…
Added on: 07/27/2024
Lauren Davis
Alturi Contributor
Created by The Heritage Foundation, the 2025 Presidential Transition Project (famously known as Project 2025) is a book that includes all the policies it wishes to implement…
Added on: 06/22/2024
Ziggy Tang
Alturi Contributor
In the complex tapestry of China’s socio-political landscape, Shanghai Pride emerged in 2009 as a crucial beacon of LGBTQ+ visibility and advocacy. From small volunteer gatherings to…
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Added on: 05/29/2024
James Hunt
Alturi Contributor
Many studies carried out in the past several years have begun to note the correlation between disability and those who identify as queer. Whether this is a…
Added on: 05/01/2024
Annie Clark
Alturi Contributor
In 2013, Uganda passed one of the harshest anti-LGBTQ laws in the world. Under the Anti-Homosexuality Act, which took effect in February 2014, conduct between same-sex individuals…
Added on: 03/25/2024
Alturi Project Strategist
STRENGTH In 2023, Pew Research reported on voter participation, or lack thereof, in the 2018, 2020, and 2022 United States elections. What stands out is that people…
Added on: 10/12/2023
Alturi Project Strategist
There is an underreported and counterintuitive effect of denying abortion access: When abortion is safe, legal, and accessible, the abortion rate is typically lower. When abortion is…
Added on: 09/20/2023
Alturi Project Strategist
Turkey  Since Turkey’s democratic government began to decline in 2007, there have been ongoing tensions between the Justice and Development Party (AKP, known for its Islamist roots…
Added on: 08/23/2023
Alturi Project Stategist
Africa The World Population Review provides metrics for tracking laws impacting sexual orientation and gender identity globally. Our World in Data offers data on extreme poverty by…
Added on: 08/13/2023
Dorian Ferguson
Changing Legal Landscape  It has scarcely been eight years since the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage, but recent legislation has dramatically changed LGBTQIA+ rights for the worse,…